
pip installation

To install with pip, run:

pip install -U skorch

We recommend to use a virtual environment for this.

From source

If you would like to use the must recent additions to skorch or help development, you should install skorch from source.

Using conda

You need a working conda installation. Get the correct miniconda for your system from here.

If you just want to use skorch, use:

git clone
cd skorch
conda env create
source activate skorch
pip install .

If you want to help developing, run:

git clone
cd skorch
conda env create
source activate skorch
pip install -e .

py.test  # unit tests
pylint skorch  # static code checks

Using pip

If you just want to use skorch, use:

git clone
cd skorch
# create and activate a virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install pytorch version for your system (see below)
pip install .

If you want to help developing, run:

git clone
cd skorch
# create and activate a virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install pytorch version for your system (see below)
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

py.test  # unit tests
pylint skorch  # static code checks


PyTorch is not covered by the dependencies, since the PyTorch version you need is dependent on your OS and device. For installation instructions for PyTorch, visit the PyTorch website. skorch officially supports the last four minor PyTorch versions, which currently are:

  • 1.4.0
  • 1.5.1
  • 1.6.0
  • 1.7.1

However, that doesn’t mean that older versions don’t work, just that they aren’t tested. Since skorch mostly relies on the stable part of the PyTorch API, older PyTorch versions should work fine.

In general, running this to install PyTorch should work (assuming CUDA 10.2):

# using conda:
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit==10.2 -c pytorch
# using pip
pip install torch