Hugging Face Integration

skorch integrates with some libraries from the Hugging Face ecosystem. Take a look at the sections below to learn more.


The AccelerateMixin class can be used to add support for huggingface accelerate to skorch. E.g., this allows you to use mixed precision training (AMP), multi-GPU training, training with a TPU, or gradient accumulation. For the time being, this feature should be considered experimental.

To use this feature, create a new subclass of the neural net class you want to use and inherit from the mixin class. E.g., if you want to use a NeuralNet, it would look like this:

from skorch import NeuralNet
from skorch.hf import AccelerateMixin

class AcceleratedNet(AccelerateMixin, NeuralNet):
    """NeuralNet with accelerate support"""

The same would work for NeuralNetClassifier, NeuralNetRegressor, etc. Then pass an instance of Accelerator with the desired parameters and you’re good to go:

from accelerate import Accelerator

accelerator = Accelerator(...)
net = AcceleratedNet(
), y)

accelerate recommends to leave the device handling to the Accelerator, which is why device defautls to None (thus telling skorch not to change the device).

To install accelerate, run the following command inside your Python environment:

python -m pip install accelerate


Under the hood, accelerate uses GradScaler, which does not support passing the training step as a closure. Therefore, if your optimizer requires that (e.g. torch.optim.LBFGS), you cannot use accelerate.


skorch also provides sklearn-like transformers that work with Hugging Face tokenizers. The transform methods of these transformers return data in a dict-like data structure, which makes them easy to use in conjunction with skorch’s NeuralNet. Below is an example of how to use a pretrained tokenizer with the help of skorch.hf.HuggingfacePretrainedTokenizer:

from skorch.hf import HuggingfacePretrainedTokenizer
# pass the model name to be downloaded
hf_tokenizer = HuggingfacePretrainedTokenizer('bert-base-uncased')
data = ['hello there', 'this is a text']  # only loads the model

# use hyper params from pretrained tokenizer to fit on own data
hf_tokenizer = HuggingfacePretrainedTokenizer(
    'bert-base-uncased', train=True, vocab_size=12345)
data = ...  # fits new tokenizer on data

We also skorch.hf.HuggingfaceTokenizer if you don’t want to use a pretrained tokenizer but instead want to train your own tokenizer with fine-grained control over each component, like which tokenization method to use.

Of course, since both transformers are scikit-learn compatible, you can use them in a grid search.


The Hugging Face transformers library gives you access to many pretrained deep learning models. There is no special skorch integration for those, since they’re just normal models and can thus be used without further adjustments (as long as they’re PyTorch models).

If you want to see how using transformers with skorch could look like in practice, take a look at the Hugging Face fine-tuning notebook.