====== Helper ====== This module provides helper functions and classes for the user. They make working with skorch easier but are not used by skorch itself. SliceDict --------- A :class:`.SliceDict` is a wrapper for Python dictionaries that makes them behave a little bit like :class:`numpy.ndarray`\s. That way, you can slice your dictionary across values, ``len()`` will show the length of the arrays and not the number of keys, and you get a ``shape`` attribute. This is useful because if your data is in a ``dict``, you would normally not be able to use sklearn :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` and similar things; with :class:`.SliceDict`, this works. .. _slicedataset: SliceDataset ------------ A :class:`.SliceDataset` is a wrapper for PyTorch :class:`~torch.utils.data.Dataset`\s that makes them behave a little bit like :class:`numpy.ndarray`\s. That way, you can slice your dataset with lists and arrays, and you get a ``shape`` attribute. These properties are useful because if your data is in a dataset, you would normally not be able to use sklearn :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` and similar things; with :class:`.SliceDataset`, this works. Note that :class:`.SliceDataset` can only ever return one of the values returned by the dataset. Typically, this will be either the X or the y value. Therefore, if you want to wrap both X and y, you should create two instances of :class:`.SliceDataset`, one for X (with argument ``idx=0``, the default) and one for y (with argument ``idx=1``): .. code:: python ds = MyCustomDataset() X_sl = SliceDataset(ds, idx=0) # idx=0 is the default y_sl = SliceDataset(ds, idx=1) gs.fit(X_sl, y_sl) Command line interface helpers ------------------------------ Often you want to wrap up your experiments by writing a small script that allows others to reproduce your work. With the help of skorch and the fire_ library, it becomes very easy to write command line interfaces without boilerplate. All arguments pertaining to skorch or its PyTorch module are immediately available as command line arguments, without the need to write a custom parser. If docstrings in the numpydoc_ specification are available, there is also an comprehensive help for the user. Overall, this allows you to make your work reproducible without the usual hassle. There is an example_ in the skorch repository that shows how to use the CLI tools. Below is a snippet that shows the output created by the help function without writing a single line of argument parsing: .. code:: bash $ python examples/cli/train.py pipeline --help options: --select__score_func : callable Function taking two arrays X and y, and returning a pair of arrays (scores, pvalues) or a single array with scores. Default is f_classif (see below "See also"). The default function only works with classification tasks. --select__k : int or "all", optional, default=10 Number of top features to select. The "all" option bypasses selection, for use in a parameter search. ... options: --net__module : torch module (class or instance) A PyTorch :class:`~torch.nn.Module`. In general, the uninstantiated class should be passed, although instantiated modules will also work. --net__criterion : torch criterion (class, default=torch.nn.NLLLoss) Negative log likelihood loss. Note that the module should return probabilities, the log is applied during ``get_loss``. --net__optimizer : torch optim (class, default=torch.optim.SGD) The uninitialized optimizer (update rule) used to optimize the module --net__lr : float (default=0.01) Learning rate passed to the optimizer. You may use ``lr`` instead of using ``optimizer__lr``, which would result in the same outcome. --net__max_epochs : int (default=10) The number of epochs to train for each ``fit`` call. Note that you may keyboard-interrupt training at any time. --net__batch_size : int (default=128) ... --net__verbose : int (default=1) Control the verbosity level. --net__device : str, torch.device (default='cpu') The compute device to be used. If set to 'cuda', data in torch tensors will be pushed to cuda tensors before being sent to the module. options: --net__module__hidden_units : int (default=10) Number of units in hidden layers. --net__module__num_hidden : int (default=1) Number of hidden layers. --net__module__nonlin : torch.nn.Module instance (default=torch.nn.ReLU()) Non-linearity to apply after hidden layers. --net__module__dropout : float (default=0) Dropout rate. Dropout is applied between layers. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use this functionality, you need some further libraries that are not part of skorch, namely fire_ and numpydoc_. You can install them thusly: .. code:: bash python -m pip install fire numpydoc Usage ^^^^^ When you write your own script, only the following bits need to be added: .. code:: python import fire from skorch.helper import parse_args # your model definition and data fetching code below ... def main(**kwargs): X, y = get_data() my_model = get_model() # important: wrap the model with the parsed arguments parsed = parse_args(kwargs) my_model = parsed(my_model) my_model.fit(X, y) if __name__ == '__main__': fire.Fire(main) This even works if your neural net is part of an sklearn pipeline, in which case the help extends to all other estimators of your pipeline. In case you would like to change some defaults for the net (e.g. using a ``batch_size`` of 256 instead of 128), this is also possible. You should have a dictionary containing your new defaults and pass it as an additional argument to ``parse_args``: .. code:: python my_defaults = {'batch_size': 128, 'module__hidden_units': 30} def main(**kwargs): ... parsed = parse_args(kwargs, defaults=my_defaults) my_model = parsed(my_model) This will update the displayed help to your new defaults, as well as set the parameters on the net or pipeline for you. However, the arguments passed via the commandline have precedence. Thus, if you additionally pass ``--batch_size 512`` to the script, batch size will be 512. Restrictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Almost all arguments should work out of the box. Therefore, you get command line arguments for the number of epochs, learning rate, batch size, etc. for free. Moreover, you can access the module parameters with the double-underscore notation as usual with skorch (e.g. ``--module__num_units 100``). This should cover almost all common cases. Parsing command line arguments that are non-primitive Python objects is more difficult, though. skorch's custom parsing should support normal Python types and simple custom objects, e.g. this works: ``--module__nonlin 'torch.nn.RReLU(0.1, upper=0.4)'``. More complex parsing might not work. E.g., it is currently not possible to add new callbacks through the command line (but you can modify existing ones as usual). .. _fire: https://github.com/google/python-fire .. _numpydoc: https://github.com/numpy/numpydoc .. _example: https://github.com/skorch-dev/skorch/tree/master/examples/cli