
Helper functions and classes for users.

They are intended to be used by end users but should not be depended upon for skorch-internal usage.

class skorch.helper.DataFrameTransformer(treat_int_as_categorical=False, float_dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, int_dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>)[source]

Transform a DataFrame into a dict useful for working with skorch.

Transforms cardinal data to floats and categorical data to vectors of ints so that they can be embedded.

Although skorch can deal with pandas DataFrames, the default behavior is often not very useful. Use this transformer to transform the DataFrame into a dict with all float columns concatenated using the key “X” and all categorical values encoded as integers, using their respective column names as keys.

Your module must have a matching signature for this to work. It must accept an argument X for all cardinal values. Additionally, for all categorical values, it must accept an argument with the same name as the corresponding column (see example below). If you need help with the required signature, use the describe_signature method of this class and pass it your data.

You can choose whether you want to treat int columns the same as float columns (default) or as categorical values.

To one-hot encode categorical features, initialize their corresponding embedding layers using the identity matrix.

treat_int_as_categoricalbool (default=False)

Whether to treat integers as categorical values or as cardinal values, i.e. the same as floats.

float_dtypenumpy dtype or None (default=np.float32)

The dtype to cast the cardinal values to. If None, don’t change them.

int_dtypenumpy dtype or None (default=np.int64)

The dtype to cast the categorical values to. If None, don’t change them. If you do this, it can happen that the categorical values will have different dtypes, reflecting the number of unique categories.


The value of X will always be 2-dimensional, even if it only contains 1 column.


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
...     'col_floats': np.linspace(0, 1, 12),
...     'col_ints': [11, 11, 10] * 4,
...     'col_cats': ['a', 'b', 'a'] * 4,
... })
>>> # cast to category dtype to later learn embeddings
>>> df['col_cats'] = df['col_cats'].astype('category')
>>> y = np.asarray([0, 1, 0] * 4)
>>> class MyModule(nn.Module):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...         self.reset_params()
>>>     def reset_params(self):
...         self.embedding = nn.Embedding(2, 10)
...         self.linear = nn.Linear(2, 10)
...         self.out = nn.Linear(20, 2)
...         self.nonlin = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
>>>     def forward(self, X, col_cats):
...         # "X" contains the values from col_floats and col_ints
...         # "col_cats" contains the values from "col_cats"
...         X_lin = self.linear(X)
...         X_cat = self.embedding(col_cats)
...         X_concat =, X_cat), dim=1)
...         return self.nonlin(self.out(X_concat))
>>> net = NeuralNetClassifier(MyModule)
>>> pipe = Pipeline([
...     ('transform', DataFrameTransformer()),
...     ('net', net),
... ])
>>>, y)



Describe the signature required for the given data.

fit(df[, y])

fit_transform(X[, y])

Fit to data, then transform it.


Get metadata routing of this object.


Get parameters for this estimator.

set_fit_request(*[, df])

Request metadata passed to the fit method.

set_output(*[, transform])

Set output container.


Set the parameters of this estimator.

set_transform_request(*[, df])

Request metadata passed to the transform method.


Transform DataFrame to become a dict that works well with skorch.


Describe the signature required for the given data.

Pass the DataFrame to receive a description of the signature required for the module’s forward method. The description consists of three parts:

1. The names of the arguments that the forward method needs. 2. The dtypes of the torch tensors passed to forward. 3. The number of input units that are required for the corresponding argument. For the float parameter, this is just the number of dimensions of the tensor. For categorical parameters, it is the number of unique elements.


Returns a dict with each key corresponding to one key required for the forward method. The values are dictionaries of two elements. The key “dtype” describes the torch dtype of the resulting tensor, the key “input_units” describes the required number of input units.

set_fit_request(*, df: Union[bool, None, str] = '$UNCHANGED$') DataFrameTransformer[source]

Request metadata passed to the fit method.

Note that this method is only relevant if enable_metadata_routing=True (see sklearn.set_config()). Please see User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.

The options for each parameter are:

  • True: metadata is requested, and passed to fit if provided. The request is ignored if metadata is not provided.

  • False: metadata is not requested and the meta-estimator will not pass it to fit.

  • None: metadata is not requested, and the meta-estimator will raise an error if the user provides it.

  • str: metadata should be passed to the meta-estimator with this given alias instead of the original name.

The default (sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED) retains the existing request. This allows you to change the request for some parameters and not others.

New in version 1.3.


This method is only relevant if this estimator is used as a sub-estimator of a meta-estimator, e.g. used inside a Pipeline. Otherwise it has no effect.

dfstr, True, False, or None, default=sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED

Metadata routing for df parameter in fit.


The updated object.

set_transform_request(*, df: Union[bool, None, str] = '$UNCHANGED$') DataFrameTransformer[source]

Request metadata passed to the transform method.

Note that this method is only relevant if enable_metadata_routing=True (see sklearn.set_config()). Please see User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.

The options for each parameter are:

  • True: metadata is requested, and passed to transform if provided. The request is ignored if metadata is not provided.

  • False: metadata is not requested and the meta-estimator will not pass it to transform.

  • None: metadata is not requested, and the meta-estimator will raise an error if the user provides it.

  • str: metadata should be passed to the meta-estimator with this given alias instead of the original name.

The default (sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED) retains the existing request. This allows you to change the request for some parameters and not others.

New in version 1.3.


This method is only relevant if this estimator is used as a sub-estimator of a meta-estimator, e.g. used inside a Pipeline. Otherwise it has no effect.

dfstr, True, False, or None, default=sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED

Metadata routing for df parameter in transform.


The updated object.


Transform DataFrame to become a dict that works well with skorch.


Incoming DataFrame.

X_dict: dict

Dictionary with all floats concatenated using the key “X” and all categorical values encoded as integers, using their respective column names as keys.

class skorch.helper.SkorchDoctor(net, match_fn=None)[source]

SkorchDoctor helps you better understand and debug neural net training.

By providing records activations, gradienst, and parameter updates, as well as useful plotting functions, this class can assist you in understanding your training process and how to improve it.

This is heavily inspred by the tips from Andrej Karpathy on how to better understand the neural net and diagnose potential errors.

To use this class, initialize your skorch net and load your data as you would typically do when training a net. Then, initializea SkorchDoctor instance by passing said net, and fit the doctor with a small amount of data. Finally, use the records or plotting functions to help you better understand the training process.

What exactly you do with this information is up to you. Some examples that come to mind:

  • Use the plot_loss figure to see if your model is powerful enough to completely overfit a small sample. If not, consider increasing its capacity, e.g. by stacking more layers or using more units per layer.

  • Use the distribution of activations to see if some layers produce extreme values and may need a different non-linearity or some form of normalization, e.g. batch norm or layer norm. A different weight initialization scheme could also help.

  • Check the relative magnitude of the parameter updates to check if your learning rate is too low or too high. Maybe some layers should be frozen, or you might want to have different learning rates for different parameter groups, or an adaptive optimizer like Adam.

  • If gradients are too big, consider using gradient clipping. If the mangitude of gradients shifts over time, you might want to use a learning rate scheduler.

At the end of the day, SkorchDoctor will not tell you what you need to do to improve the training process, but it will greatly facilitate to diagnose potential problems.


The skorch net to be diagnosed.

match_fncallable or None (default=None)

If match_fn=None, all activations, gradients, and parameter updates are recorded.

If not None, this should be a callable/function that takes the name of a layer or parameter as input and returns a bool as output, where False indicates that this output should be excluded. As an example, if you have a module with a torch.nn.Linear layer called "fc" and you only want to keep records from that layer, and also not record any gradients on biases, the match_fn could be defined as:

match_fn = lambda name: ("fc" in name) and ("bias" not in name)


Even if a train/valid split is used for the net, only training data is recorded.

Since SkorchDoctor will record a lot of values, you should expect an increase in memory usage and training time. However, it’s sufficient to train with a handful of samples and only a few epochs, which helps offsetting those disadvantages.

After you finished the analysis, it is recommended to re-initialize the net or even better start a new process. This is because the net you passed is modified by adding hooks training it. Although there is a clean up step at the end, it’s better to start fresh when starting the real model training.


>>> net = NeuralNet(..., max_epochs=5)  # a couple of epochs are enough
>>> from skorch.helper import SkorchDoctor
>>> doctor = SkorchDoctor(net)
>>> X_sample, y_sample = X[:100], y[:100]  # a few samples are enough
>>>, y_sample)
>>> # now use the attributes and plotting functions to better
>>> # understand the training process
>>> doctor.activation_recs_  # the recorded activations
>>> doctor.gradient_recs_  # the recorded gradients
>>> doctor.param_update_recs_  # the recorded parameter updates
>>> # the next steps require matplotlib to be installed
>>> doctor.plot_loss()
>>> doctor.plot_activations()
>>> doctor.plot_gradients()
>>> doctor.plot_param_updates()
>>> doctor.plot_activations_over_time(<layer-name>)
>>> doctor.plot_gradients_over_time(<param-name>)

The total number of training steps. E.g. if trained for 10 epochs with 5 batches each, that would be 50.

module_names_list of str

All modules used by the net, typically those are "module" and "criterion".

activation_recs_: dict of list of dict of np.ndarray

The activations of each layer for each module. The outer dict contains one entry for each top level module, e.g. module and criterion. The values are lists, one entry for each training step. The entries of those lists are again dictionaries, with keys corresponding to the layer name and values to the activations of that layer, stored as a numpy array.

This data structure seems to be a bit complicated at first but its use is quite straightforward. E.g. to get the activations of the layer called “dense0” of the “module” in epoch 0 and batch 0, use doctor.activation_recs_['module'][0]['dense0'].

If an activation is not a simple array, it is disambiguated. E.g. if it’s a list, the name get a suffix of [i] where i designates the index in the list. Similary, when the output is a dict, a [key] suffix is added, where [key] is the key of the corresponding value in the dictionary.

gradient_recs_: dict of list of dict of np.ndarray

The gradients of each parameter for each module. The outer dict contains one entry for each top level module, e.g. module and criterion. The values are lists, one entry for each training step. The entries of those lists are dictionaries, with keys corresponding to the parameter name and values to the gradients of that parameter, stored as a numpy array. Only learnable parameters are recorded.

This data structure seems to be a bit complicated at first but its use is quite straightforward. E.g. to get the gradient of the parameter called “dense0.weight” of the “module” from training step 7, use doctor.gradient_recs_['module'][7]['dense0.weight].

param_update_recs_: dict of list of dict of float

The relative parameter update of each parameter for each module. The outer dict contains one entry for each top level module, e.g. module and criterion. The values are lists, one entry for each training step. The entries of those lists are dictionaries, with keys corresponding to the parameter name and values to the standard deviation of the update of that parameter, relative to the standard deviation of that parameter itself, stored as a float. Only learnable parameters are recorded.

This data structure seems to be a bit complicated at first but its use is quite straightforward. E.g. to get the update of the parameter called “dense0.weight” of the “module” in the last training step, use doctor.paramter_udpate_recs_['module'][-1]['dense0.weight].


Whether the instance has been fitted.


fit(X[, y])

Initialize and fit the SkorchDoctor


Return the names of all layers/modules


Return all learnable parameters of the net


Initialize the SkorchDoctor

plot_activations([step, match_fn, axes, ...])

Plot the distribution of activations produced by the layers

plot_activations_over_time(layer_name[, ...])

Plot the distribution of the activation of a specific layers over time

plot_gradient_over_time(param_name[, ...])

Plot the distribution of the gradients of a specific parameter over time

plot_gradients([step, match_fn, axes, ...])

Plot the distribution of gradients of each learnable parameter

plot_loss([ax, figsize])

Plot the loss over each epoch.

plot_param_updates([match_fn, axes, figsize])

Plot the distribution of relative parameter updates.

predict(X, **kwargs)

Calls the predict method of the underlying net

predict_proba(X, **kwargs)

Calls the predict_proba method of the underlying net

score(X[, y])

Calls the score method of the underlying net


fit(X, y=None, **fit_params)[source]

Initialize and fit the SkorchDoctor

It is advised to use a low number of epochs and a small amount of data only, since the collection of data results in time and memory overhead.

The parameters should be exactly the same as those passed when fitting the underlying net.


Return the names of all layers/modules

namesdict of list of str

For each top level module, all layer names as a list of strings.


Return all learnable parameters of the net

namesdict of list of str

For each top level module, all parameter names as a list of strings.


Initialize the SkorchDoctor

This method typically does not need to be invoked explicitly, because it is called by fit.

plot_activations(step=-1, match_fn=None, axes=None, histtype='step', lw=2, bins=None, density=True, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the distribution of activations produced by the layers

stepint (default=-1)

Which training step to plot. By default, the last step (-1) is chosen.

match_fncallable or None (default=None)

If not None, this should be a callable/function that takes the name of a layer as input and returns a bool as output, where False indicates that this layer should be excluded. Use this to filter only specific layers you want to plot.

axesnp.ndarray of AxesSubplot or None (default=None)

By default, a new matplotlib plot is created. If you instead want to plot onto an existing plot, pass it here. There should be one subplot for each top level module (typically 2).

binsnp.ndarray or None (default=None)

Bins to use for the histogram. If left as None, they are inferred from the data.


You can override remaining plotting arguments like lw (line width) or figsize (figure size).

axesnp.andarray of AxesSubplot

The axes of the plot.

plot_activations_over_time(layer_name, module_name='module', ax=None, lw=2, bins=None, figsize=None, color='k', **kwargs)[source]

Plot the distribution of the activation of a specific layers over time

The histograms are plotted “on top of each other” with an offset. Therefore, the absolute magnitude on the y-axis has no meaning.


The name of the specific layer whose activations should be plotted.

module_namestr (default=’module’)

The name of the module that the layer belongs to. By default, it is called “module” in skorch, but it’s possible to define custom module names, in which case the corresponding name should be chosen.

axAxesSubplot or None (default=None)

By default, a new matplotlib plot is created. If you instead want to plot onto an existing plot, pass it here. Only a single plot is created.

binsnp.ndarray or None (default=None)

Bins to use for the histogram. If left as None, they are inferred from the data.


You can override remaining plotting arguments like figsize (figure size).


The ax of the plot.

plot_gradient_over_time(param_name, module_name='module', ax=None, lw=2, bins=None, figsize=None, color='k', **kwargs)[source]

Plot the distribution of the gradients of a specific parameter over time

The histograms are plotted “on top of each other” with an offset. Therefore, the absolute magnitude on the y-axis has no meaning.


The name of the specific parameter that should be plotted.

module_namestr (default=’module’)

The name of the module that the paramter belongs to. By default, it is called “module” in skorch, but it’s possible to define custom module names, in which case the corresponding name should be chosen.

axAxesSubplot or None (default=None)

By default, a new matplotlib plot is created. If you instead want to plot onto an existing plot, pass it here. Only a single plot is created.

binsnp.ndarray or None (default=None)

Bins to use for the histogram. If left as None, they are inferred from the data.


You can override remaining plotting arguments like figsize (figure size).


The ax of the plot.

plot_gradients(step=-1, match_fn=None, axes=None, histtype='step', lw=2, bins=None, density=True, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the distribution of gradients of each learnable parameter

stepint (default=-1)

Which training step to plot. By default, the last step (-1) is chosen.

match_fncallable or None (default=None)

If not None, this should be a callable/function that takes the name of a parameter as input and returns a bool as output, where False indicates that this layer should be excluded. Use this to filter only specific parameters you want to plot.

axesnp.ndarray of AxesSubplot or None (default=None)

By default, a new matplotlib plot is created. If you instead want to plot onto an existing plot, pass it here. There should be one subplot for each top level module (typically 2).

binsnp.ndarray or None (default=None)

Bins to use for the histogram. If left as None, they are inferred from the data.


You can override remaining plotting arguments like lw (line width) or figsize (figure size).

axesnp.andarray of AxesSubplot

The axes of the plot.

plot_loss(ax=None, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the loss over each epoch.

Plots the training loss and, if present, the validation loss over time.

plot_param_updates(match_fn=None, axes=None, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the distribution of relative parameter updates.

Plots the log10 of the standard deviation of the parameter update relative to the parameter itself, over time. Higher values mean that the parameter changes quite a lot with each training step, lower values mean that the parameter changes little.

match_fncallable or None (default=None)

If not None, this should be a callable/function that takes the name of a parameter as input and returns a bool as output, where False indicates that this layer should be excluded. Use this to filter only specific parameters you want to plot.

axesnp.ndarray of AxesSubplot or None (default=None)

By default, a new matplotlib plot is created. If you instead want to plot onto an existing plot, pass it here. There should be one subplot for each top level module (typically 2).

binsnp.ndarray or None (default=None)

Bins to use for the histogram. If left as None, they are inferred from the data.


You can override remaining plotting arguments like figsize (figure size).

axesnp.andarray of AxesSubplot

The axes of the plot.

predict(X, **kwargs)[source]

Calls the predict method of the underlying net

predict_proba(X, **kwargs)[source]

Calls the predict_proba method of the underlying net

score(X, y=None, **kwargs)[source]

Calls the score method of the underlying net

class skorch.helper.SliceDataset(dataset, idx=0, indices=None)[source]

Helper class that wraps a torch dataset to make it work with sklearn.

Sometimes, sklearn will touch the input data, e.g. when splitting the data for a grid search. This will fail when the input data is a torch dataset. To prevent this, use this wrapper class for your dataset.

Note: This class will only return the X value by default (i.e. the first value returned by indexing the original dataset). Sklearn, and hence skorch, always require 2 values, X and y. Therefore, you still need to provide the y data separately.

Note: This class behaves similarly to a PyTorch Subset when it is indexed by a slice or numpy array: It will return another SliceDataset that references the subset instead of the actual values. Only when it is indexed by an int does it return the actual values. The reason for this is to avoid loading all data into memory when sklearn, for instance, creates a train/validation split on the dataset. Data will only be loaded in batches during the fit loop.


A valid torch dataset.

idxint (default=0)

Indicates which element of the dataset should be returned. Typically, the dataset returns both X and y values. SliceDataset can only return 1 value. If you want to get X, choose idx=0 (default), if you want y, choose idx=1.

indiceslist, np.ndarray, or None (default=None)

If you only want to return a subset of the dataset, indicate which subset that is by passing this argument. Typically, this can be left to be None, which returns all the data. See also Subset.


>>> X = MyCustomDataset()
>>> search = GridSearchCV(net, params, ...)
>>>, y)  # raises error
>>> ds = SliceDataset(X)
>>>, y)  # works



index(value, [start, [stop]])

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Additional transformations on data.


Additional transformations on data.

Note: If you use this in conjuction with PyTorch DataLoader, the latter will call the dataset for each row separately, which means that the incoming data is a single rows.

class skorch.helper.SliceDict(**kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for Python dict that makes it sliceable across values.

Use this if your input data is a dictionary and you have problems with sklearn not being able to slice it. Wrap your dict with SliceDict and it should usually work.


  • SliceDict cannot be indexed by integers, if you want one row, say row 3, use [3:4].

  • SliceDict accepts numpy arrays and torch tensors as values.


>>> X = {'key0': val0, 'key1': val1}
>>> search = GridSearchCV(net, params, ...)
>>>, y)  # raises error
>>> Xs = SliceDict(key0=val0, key1=val1)  # or Xs = SliceDict(**X)
>>>, y)  # works




fromkeys(*args, **kwargs)

fromkeys method makes no sense with SliceDict and is thus not supported.

get($self, key[, default])

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.



pop($self, key[, default])

If key is not found, default is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

popitem($self, /)

Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.

setdefault($self, key[, default])

Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.

update([E, ]**F)

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]


copy() a shallow copy of D[source]
fromkeys(*args, **kwargs)[source]

fromkeys method makes no sense with SliceDict and is thus not supported.

update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from dict/iterable E and F.[source]

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

skorch.helper.parse_args(kwargs, defaults=None)[source]

Apply command line arguments or show help.

Use this in conjunction with the fire library to quickly build command line interfaces for your scripts.

This function returns another function that must be called with the estimator (e.g. NeuralNet) to apply the parsed command line arguments. If the –help option is found, show the estimator-specific help instead.


The arguments as parsed by fire.

defaultsdict or None (default=None)

Optionally, change the default values to use custom defaults. Commandline arguments have precedence over defaults.


If –help is in the arguments, print help and exit.


If –help is not in the options, apply command line arguments to the estimator and return it.


Content of

>>> def main(**kwargs):
>>>     X, y = get_data()
>>>     my_model = get_model()
>>>     parsed = parse_args(kwargs)
>>>     my_model = parsed(my_model)
>>>, y)
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>     fire.Fire(main)

Uses dataset for validiation in NeuralNet.

dataset: torch Dataset

Validiation dataset


>>> valid_ds = skorch.dataset.Dataset(X, y)
>>> net = NeuralNet(..., train_split=predefined_split(valid_ds))